
Sunday, July 3, 2011

washing machine error code 7 and troubleshooting?

Error 7 means - ?Motor jammed / Drum shaft jammed / Tacho generator fault?

Motor jammed

The first possible fault could be if the motor is trying to turn but the motor is physically jammed. This is likely to be rare. It?s easily tested by opening the door on the washing machine and spinning the drum by hand. If it moves normally and freely it?s clearly not jammed and this is not the fault.

If it is jammed or very stiff then making sure the machine is disconnected from the mains supply you can just take off the drive belt. You can then see if the motor is jammed or not because the shaft where the belt fits wouldn?t be able to be turned by hand.

Drum shaft jammed

This would cause the exact same problem in that the motor is trying to turn but because the drum was jammed it couldn?t. Again, easily tested by turning the drum by hand ? if it?s free then it isn?t the fault. If it?s jammed or very stiff, removing the belt will let you determine whether it?s the motor or the drum that?s jammed.

Tacho generator fault

The way a washing machine detects the speed of the motor is via the tacho coil which is the last potential fault listed.

The tacho coil is on the outside of the motor attached to the end opposite the drive belt with 2 thin wires running from it. It?s a small coil that surrounds the shaft of the main armature where a small round magnet is attached. As the armature turns the magnet on the end of the shaft turns inside the coil. It?s then easy for the pcb to count each revolution of the small magnet and work out how many revolutions per minute it is turning.

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