No Coolant Fan running on Chrysler Vehicle
When these problem occurs you get OBD code P1490
These coolant fan has 2 speeds. High and low speeds. These speeds are controlled by its respective relays.There are two relays.One controls high and other controls low.
There are 3 wires at the fan motor. One is ground for both fan motor speeds and the other 2 are for the high and low speeds.
To confirm the problem try these give 12 volt power from another battery source like from cig lighter or from fuse connector or from battery positive supply.Run a direct wire from 12 volt source to the fan supply wire and see if the fan starts running or not.
You have to supply power to one of the speeds and see if the fan works. You can verify it by checking the other speed as well to insure it does work on one of the speeds and that you are checking it correctly. If one of the speeds does not work then the fan will need to be replaced.
See below coolant fan and fan relay wiring diagram :-----
The yellow wire is the high speed and the green is the low speed.
Give power to each wire one by one and see if fan runs on both sped or not.It should run,if its not running then faulty fan.If it runs then its confirm that actual fan wiring is short or faulty in between.So you can get it rewired to solve the problem.

These diagram will help.
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