
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ignition Coil removal and installation on 1997 Buick Lesabre?


  1. Remove the ignition coil(s).
  2. Using an ohmmeter, check the resistance between the primary terminals on the underside of the coil. The resistance should be 0.50-0.90 ohms.
  3. Check the resistance between the secondary terminals. It should be 5,000-8,000 ohms.
  4. If the coil failed either test, replace the coil.


3.8L (VIN 3) Engine
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Tag and disconnect the spark plug wires.
  3. Unfasten the ignition coil(s) attaching bolts, then remove the ignition coil from the module.

To install:
  1. Install the coil(s) and attaching bolts.
  2. Connect the spark plug wires.
  3. Connect the negative battery cable.

3.8L (VIN C) Engine

See Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Tag and disconnect the spark plug wires.

Click image to see an enlarged view

Fig. Fig. 1: Labeling the wires before disconnecting them from the coil helps assure correct reconnection

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Fig. Fig. 2: After removing the wires, you can see the 5 Torx® retaining screws

  1. Remove the 5 retaining screws, or Torx® screws, as applicable, securing the coil to the ignition module.

Click image to see an enlarged view

Fig. Fig. 3: Unfasten the mounting screws, then lift the coil up from the ignition module and label the connectors

  1. Tilt the coil assembly back and unplug the coil-to-module connectors.

Click image to see an enlarged view

Fig. Fig. 4: After unplugging the connectors, you can remove the ignition coil pack from the module

  1. Remove the coil assembly.

Although the 3.8L engine's Type I coil pack will physically fit, the position of the number 1 coil, as noted on the coil pack, is in a different location; coil towers No. 1 and 4 on the 3800 engine are closest to the module connector.

To install:
  1. Fit the coil assembly into position and attach the connectors.
  2. Install the retaining screws, or Torx® screws, as applicable, and tighten to 26 inch lbs. (3 Nm).
  3. Connect the spark plug wires, as tagged during removal.
  4. Reconnect the negative battery cable.

3.8L (VIN L, 1 and K) Engine

See Figures 5 and 6

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Tag and disconnect the spark plug wires.
  3. Remove the 2 retaining screws securing the coil to the ignition module.
  4. Remove the coil assembly.

Click image to see an enlarged view

Fig. Fig. 5: In 1992, there were 2 different ignition coils used: a Type I, as shown here ...

Click image to see an enlarged view

Fig. Fig. 6: ... and a Type II, shown here. Later model vehicles use the Type II

To install:
  1. Fit the coil assembly to the ignition module.
  2. Install the retaining screws and tighten them to 40 inch lbs. (4-5 Nm).
  3. Attach the spark plug wires, as tagged during removal.
  4. Reconnect the negative battery cable.

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