
Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to Back up important data on computer / laptop?

Backing up personal data and stuff that you have on your Laptop or Dekstop.

I know it gets really annoying to turn your computer ON then you find out that Windows does not boot up or load on you system, sometimes you will encounter issue that your password that you have always used does not work or may get an error that the user profile cannot be loaded.

Backing up your data would be the nicest thing that you will be doing at least once every 2 weeks to be on the safe side, I have done this eversince I encountered one of the issues that I mentioned earlier.

Backing up you personal data on a DVD' disc/CD's or Flash drive can be a life saver, but if you have the option on getting an external Hard drive of at leat 320GB to 500gb or maybe 1TB will be much better, since DVD's/CD's and Flash drives can also fail to work at times.

Having your data safe on a separate Hard Drive makes you feel at ease even if you encounter a problem, restoring Windows back to factory defaults will not be a big deal anymore knowing that you can retrieve any personal data that you may need from a storage device or an externa Hard Drive.

Also backing up you data just doesn't give you the option on having a back up copy of any data that you have but it as well give you tha option to get more free space on your computers internal Hard Drive and making you computer storage flexible at all times.

Backing up your data can also avoid your internal Hard drive from experiencing failures and error's this will be avoiding congestion of data from within windows.

The last thing that you need to worry about if ever you may encounter reinstalling windows is to reinstall the programs that you have installed on your computer.

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