
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brake Disc Rotor replacing on Toyota Tundra?

The details are to replace Front disc Brake rotor.The Toyota Tundra brake disc rotor removal procedure is as follows :-----

Brake Disc (Rotor)
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Step By Step details are as follows:-----

  1. Raise and support the vehicle safely.
  2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
  3. Disconnect the brake hose from the caliper. Plug the end of the hose to prevent loss of fluid.
  4. Remove the bolts that attach the caliper to the torque plate.
  5. Lift the bottom of the caliper up and remove the caliper assembly.
  6. Remove the brake rotor.
To install:
  1. Install the brake rotor.
  2. Grease the caliper slides and bolts with lithium grease or equivalent. Install the caliper and secure with the bolts. Torque the bolts to 90 ft. lbs. (123 Nm).
  3. Connect the brake hose to the caliper. Torque 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
  4. Fill the brake system to the proper level and bleed the brake system.
  5. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
  6. Top off the brake fluid level in the master cylinder. Check for leaks and proper brake operation.
  7. Connect the negative battery cable to the battery. 

    Fig. Front disc brake and related components-2001-2003

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Front disc brake and related components-2004-2006
These details will help.


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How to replace Brake Caliper on Toyota Tundra?

The details are to replace Front disc Brake caliper on Toyota Tundra car models.

Brake Caliper
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Step by Step instructions are as follows:-----

  1. Raise and support the vehicle safely.
  2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
  3. Disconnect the brake hose from the caliper. Plug the end of the hose to prevent loss of fluid.
  4. Remove the bolts that attach the caliper to the torque plate.
  5. Lift the bottom of the caliper up and remove the caliper assembly.
To install:
  1. Grease the caliper slides and bolts with lithium grease or equivalent. Install the caliper and secure with the bolts. Torque the bolts to 90 ft. lbs. (123 Nm).
  2. Connect the brake hose to the caliper. Torque 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
  3. Fill the brake system to the proper level and bleed the brake system.
  4. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
  5. Top off the brake fluid level in the master cylinder. Check for leaks and proper brake operation.
  6. Connect the negative battery cable to the battery. 

    Fig. Front disc brake and related components-2001-2003

    Fig. Front disc brake and related components-2004-2006

These details will help.


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Brake Drums Replacing on Toyota Tundra?

Toyota Tundra brake drum replacing procedure is as follows:---

The rear brake drum details:---
Dust and dirt accumulating on brake parts during normal use may contain asbestos fibers from production or aftermarket brake linings. Breathing excessive concentrations of asbestos fibers can cause serious bodily harm. Exercise care when servicing brake parts. Do not sand or grind brake lining unless equipment used is designed to contain the dust residue. Do not clean brake parts with compressed air or by dry brushing. Cleaning should be done by dampening the brake components with a fine mist of water, then wiping the brake components clean with a dampened cloth. Dispose of cloth and all residue containing asbestos fibers in an impermeable container with the appropriate label. Follow practices prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the handling, processing, and disposing of dust or debris that may contain asbestos fibers.

Removal & Installation

  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  2. Remove the rear wheel(s).
  3. Remove the brake drum from the axle hub. If there is difficulty in removing the drum, insert a suitable tool through the hole in the rear of the backing plate, and hold the automatic adjusting lever away from the adjuster. Using another suitable tool at the same time, reduce the brake shoe adjuster by turning the adjusting wheel.
  4. image
    Fig. Exploded view of the rear brake drums components-2001-03
    Fig. Exploded view of the rear brake drums components-2004
    Fig. Use a brake adjusting tool (brake spoon) and a prytool to adjust the brake shoes through the adjusting hole
To install:
  1. Install the brake drum and pull the parking brake lever all the way up until a clicking sound can no longer be heard.
  2. Verify that the rear wheels will not turn. If the rear wheels turn, adjust the parking brake cable as necessary.
  3. Release the parking brake and remove the brake drum. Measure the brake drum inside diameter and diameter of the brake shoes. Check that the difference between the diameters is the correct shoe clearance. Clearance is 0.024 in. (6mm).
  4. If the brake shoe clearance is not correct, adjust the brake shoes until the clearance is correct.
  5. Install the brake drum, replace the wheel(s), and safely lower the vehicle.
  6. Road-test the vehicle for proper brake operation.

These details will help.


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Parking Brake Shoes or Rear Drum Brake shoes replacing on Toyota?

The details mentioned are for Toyota Tundra car model.

The rear drum brake shoes serve as the parking brakes. Refer to the procedures under Rear Drum Brakes.
The details for that are as follows :------

Brake Shoes
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION  Step by step Procedure:----

Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts slightly.
Raise and support the vehicle safely.
Remove the wheel lug nuts and the wheel.
Remove the brake drum.
Remove the rear shoe.
Carefully unhook the return spring from the brake shoe.
Remove the shoe hold-down spring, cups and the pin.
Disconnect the anchor spring from the rear shoe and remove the rear shoe.
Disconnect the anchor spring from the front shoe.

Remove the front shoe.
Remove the shoe hold-down spring, cups and pin.
Remove the return spring from the front shoe.
Remove the front shoe with the adjuster.
Disconnect the parking brake cable from the front shoe.

To install:

Inspect the shoes for signs of unusual wear or scoring.
Check the wheel cylinder for any sign of fluid seepage or frozen pistons.
Clean and inspect the brake backing plate and all other components. Check that the brake drum inner diameter is within specified limits. Lubricate the backing plate at the positions the brakes come in contact with the backing plate. Also lubricate the anchor plate.
Mount the automatic adjuster assembly onto a new rear brake shoe.
Install the front shoe.
Install the parking brake cable to the front shoe.
Install the front shoe with the adjuster.
Install the return spring to the front shoe.
Install the shoe hold-down spring, cups and pin.

Install the rear shoe.
Install the anchor spring to the front shoe.
Install the anchor spring to the rear shoe and install the rear shoe.
Install the shoe hold-down spring, cups and the pin.
Hook the return spring to the brake shoe.

Install the brake drum.
Adjust the brake shoes until a slight drag is felt when the drum is spun by hand.
Check the level of brake fluid in the master cylinder, and then perform a test drive.
Connect the negative battery cable to the battery.

These details will help.


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Bleeding The Brake System Without Vsc on Toyota Tundra?

Normal brake system bleeding on Toyota.How to bleed Toyota brake system without VSC.

Without VSC
BRAKE LINES Bleeding &
MASTER CYLINDER Lines bleeding procedure is as follows :------

Brake Lines

  1. Connect the vinyl tube to the bleeder plug.
  2. Depress the brake pedal several times, then loosen the bleeder plug with the pedal held down.
  3. At the point where the fluid stops coming out, tighten the bleeder plug, then release the brake pedal.
  4. Repeat until all the air in the fluid has been bled out.
  5. Repeat the above procedure to bleed the air out of the brake line for each wheel.
  6. Check the fluid level and add fluid if necessary.

Master Cylinder

Immediately wash off any brake fluid that comes into contact with any painted surfaces.

Depressing the brake pedal with the reservoir cap removed will cause the fluid to spray.

When bleeding, maintain the amount of fluid in the reservoir between the Min. and Max. lines.
  1. Fill reservoir with dot3 brake fluid.
  2. Using SST 09023-00101, disconnect the brake lines from the master cylinder.
  3. Slowly depress the brake pedal and hold it there.
  4. Block the outer holes with your fingers, and release the brake pedal.
  5. Repeat 3 or 4 times.

These details will help.


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